Sites like CardCash, will remove the hassle of selling the card yourself. As soon as they verify your gift cards, they’ll pay you and take care of the reselling themselves.
When you’re buying gift cards online, you can go directly to the site you want to shop at – but here’s the secret. There are specialty sites that sell gift cards at a discount. is easy to use if you want to trade a gift card you don’t want for one you do want.
CardCash is best when you’re buying for yourself and want to score extra savings: You can buy partially used or unused gift cards for amounts over $10. The interface is intuitive …
CardCash offers up discounts on gift cards, which are otherwise difficult to find.
CardCash is a gift card marketplace that lets you buy and sell cards. They have both the traditional physical gift card that looks kind of like a credit card or an e-gift that can be emailed (ideal for last-minute shoppers!)
If you have gift cards you’re not using, CardCash will buy your unused gift cards, too. operates as any other market value trading and sales platform would, with prices fluctuating in accordance with how popular a retailer’s gift cards are.
CardCash established itself as a reliable service and eased customer worries about spending cash on gift cards.
When the cards come from stores where the recipients don’t shop, they are in danger of becoming part of the millions of dollars in potential consumer spending gathering dust in sock drawers all over America. has a solution. was best for sellers, according to a WalletHub analysis of the major gift card exchanges. It offers immediate sales and an average gift card resale value of $76.50 for an $100 gift card.
When you sell a gift card online, you typically have the option to get your money by check or have the value transferred (trade) to gift cards from other retailers. You may even be offered more value if you get your money on, say, an Amazon gift card. But which site is best to use? Yes, CardCash!