That time of year had come again,
To buy gifts for all women and men,
To shop for toys and gadgets and clothes,
Talking stuffed animals? I’ll have some of those!
The gifts Sam purchased were delightful,
The prices on the other hand – quite frightful,
He stared and he stared at that long long receipt,
“These #Prices r soooo crazy!” he sent in a tweet.
These #Prices r soooo crazy!
— Sam Spender (@Sam_spender3) July 30, 2015
“@Sam_spender3”, tweeted @Jill_saver right back,
“I have an idea to get you on track,
I have unwanted gift cards that I always sell,
To this cool site called @CardCash (lol)”
@Sam_spender3 I have an idea to get you on track, I have unwanted gift cards that I always sell, To this cool site called @CardCash (lol) — Jill Saver (@Jill_saver) July 30, 2015
People all over from far and from near,
Have shown to their gift cards that they really care,
For a card is something you always should guard,
And never, no never – ever – discard.
“But @Jill_saver”, tweeted Sam, confused and perplexed,
“I have no cards to sell, what shud I do next?”
“#Silly”, she said (with a hashtag to boot),
“You should buy some from @CardCash and save you some loot!”
@Sam_spender3 #Silly You should buy some from @CardCash and save you some loot!
— Jill Saver (@Jill_saver) July 30, 2015
Sam hopped on their website and quick as a flash,
He was saving $$ with cards from CardCash!
“.@CardCash is not just for gifts, it’s something I try,
No matter what, no matter when – for everything that I buy!”
.@CardCash is not just for gifts, it’s something I try, no matter what, no matter when – for everything that I buy! — Sam Spender (@Sam_spender3) July 30, 2015
Tweet a discount tweet with a Dr. Seuss flavor!
Post inspired by the new Dr. Seuss book.