Most Americans are now in their first week of enjoying an extra hour of sunlight thanks to Daylight Savings Time. Sorry Arizona and Hawaii, you guys don’t get to join in the fun of having your circadian rhythm thrown out of sorts, though you do get to enjoy more sunlight all year round.
With longer days comes thoughts of spring cleaning, cleaning up the yard, long delayed home improvement and other rites of spring. Here are 4 of the top discounted gift cards to help you accomplish these chores on a budget. Hopefully buying discounted gift cards will give you the extra push to actually meet your goals this year.
#1 Home Depot Discounted Gift Cards
What’s not to love when it comes to savings at Home Depot? Whether you’re looking to fill those weekends with a big project such as building a new deck or redoing the bathroom, Home Depot gift cards are 7% off every day at Go ahead and buy all the lumber and paint you need, or splurge on a tile upgrade now that you’re saving 7%.
Lowe’s discounted gift cards accomplish virtually the same thing; it’s all a matter of preference where you like shopping better. My experience has found the “flashy” products such as bathroom vanities and light fixtures to be a little more upscale in Lowe’s. A review done by Cheapism last April shows the two big box stores are almost identical in price and quality.
Lowe’s gift cards are 8% off on our site, 1% better than Home Depot. If you are ordering over $1,000 in gift cards make sure to check out our bulk rates.
#2 Pottery Barn Discounted Gift Cards
Once you’re done with the physical work it’s time to spruce up the place! For the best in home furnishings we turn to Pottery Barn, always 10% off at Right now Pottery Barn is running a 40% off sale on many items. The beauty of a gift card exchange such as CardCash is all gift cards are stackable with any in-store promotions, making everyday savings even better.
#3 Target Discounted Gift Cards
Whatever you need and can’t find somewhere else Target is always a good bet. And they recently launched Threshold, their new line of upscale home décor for less. Target is a running a sale now on Threshold products including furniture, bedding and home décor. Target gift cards are 6% off every day at
#4 My House is a Mess and I Want to Get Away Gift Cards
We just made that category up but it actually does have a good ring to it. (I think I may even patent it.) But for those of us who thoughts of spring cleaning or the thought of even changing a light bulb gives us nightmares, there are always great discounted gift cards to entice us to leave the house and go have some fun.
In the mood of flying somewhere? Take 7% off all American Airlines flights, 20% Bed and Breakfast gift cards or 10% off Fairmont Hotels gift cards.
How about a staycation? Save on gas to wherever you go with 2% off Shell gift cards. Take in the latest movie at 16% off with AMC gift cards, relax at the spa with 12% off Spafinder, and of course top it all off at one of many great restaurants, all at a discount.
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Whatever your spring plans are make sure of one thing: Never pay full price for it!